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Glossary | Marketing terms definitions

Term: Email Marketing

Definition of the term "Email Marketing"

Email marketing is a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes. By sending emails to customers who have opted in to receive them, businesses can build stronger relationships, keep customers engaged, and drive sales. Email marketing platforms offer high ROI, making them a wise investment for businesses looking to grow their customer base. Common types of email marketing include newsletters, welcome emails, and lead nurturing emails.

Most email marketing can be automated, saving businesses time and ensuring that the right message gets to the right customer at the right time. Emails can also be highly personalized, giving businesses a more conversational tone than other platforms. Email marketing is also more effective because your subscribers choose to hear from you. By taking advantage of email marketing, businesses can reach new heights.

Quick Tip About Email Marketing

1. Increase open rates with compelling subject lines. 2. Personalize your messages for a more human connection. 3. Keep your content short and sweet for busy readers. 4. Send informative and engaging emails that people will love to read.

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