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Built for platforms your business is on.

tinyEmail was created to work effortlessly with the world's favourite business platforms, tools and storefronts.

7-Day free full-featured trial.

You have created a brand. Now grow it.

No matter if you are just getting started or have an established brand, we give you the tools to create more compelling messages, engage your audience and drive more sales.

Connect your platform

Communicate effectively from one place by bringing together your audience and data from platforms your business runs on.

Create interactive messages

All the tools you need to create amazing content without coding or extra services. Your products look and sell better with tinyEmail.

Engage with your audience

Tools that make sending personalized, dynamic and interactive messages to your audience easy and intuitive. 


tinyEmail integrates natively with your Shopify store. Setup your connection once and have all your customer and subscriber data sync automatically so you can message your audience with precision. tinyEmail is the only tool that works perfectly for both Shopify and enterprise Shopify Plus users. 


Built from the ground up for WooCommerce, our platform integration for this amazing eCommerce ecosystem works seamlessly. No plugin needed, we connect directly with your WooCommerce store without any manual upload or complex technical integrations. Deliver amazing messages to your customers and subscribers today.


Sync new subscribers and users from WordPress directly with tinyEmail. Whether you run a subscription business on your WordPress site, a multi-vendor eCommerce store, a directory site or use WordPress’s amazing extended community-building features, you can be up and running with tinyEmail in no time. Engage with your WordPress users effectively with personalized messaging. 

More platforms.


Create engaging shopping experiences by combining Magento Commerce with tinyEmail’s personalized marketing.


Take Volusion’s ease-of-use eCommerce platform to the next level with tinyEmail’s intuitive messaging tools. 


Easily sync purchase and subscription data. Upsell better, generate more revenue and offer a better experience.

300+ Integrations

tinyEmail connects with over 300 tools and services through third-party integrations. Do even more with tinyEmail.

Market smarter - start your free trial

Get your free trial account. Try out all our features free for 7 days.