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What is the Best Time to Send an Email?

If you want the emails your business sends to be read as soon as possible, you must send your emails at the right time. Here are the ideal time slots to choose.

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What is the Best Time to Send an Email

You have little control over when your email gets read by the recipient, especially if they aren’t expecting an email from you. However, if you send the email at just the right time, it may land in the recipient’s inbox as they are looking through it.

The best time to send an email will vary depending on a few factors, such as your recipient’s email habits, your industry, time zones, and more. Thankfully, people’s email-reading habits are a lot more quantifiable than expected.

The best time to send an email tends to be between 10 AM and 2 PM, according to email marketing software platforms like MailChimp, Campaign Monitor, and GetResponse. This time frame is called the “mid-morning to early afternoon” window and it is considered to be a sweet spot for email sending. Many surveys note that 10 AM specifically is when emails have the highest click-through rate.

This is because people tend to check their email more frequently during the middle of the day, when they are taking a break from work, checking their tasks after lunch, or after they have finished their morning responsibilities.

Another reason why this window works so well is because many people send out emails first thing in the morning once they’re at work. So, a recipient may receive an influx of emails from 7 AM to about 10 AM. By sending in an email after 10 AM, it is more likely to drop into the recipient’s inbox during a slow period, where they are more likely to notice it.

Tips and Tricks for Perfect Email Timing

Knowing the right time is half the battle – but what else influences a person’s likelihood to open an email? Here are the best tricks for perfecting your email timing:

  • Consider your recipient: Think about the characteristics of your recipient, such as their age, location, and industry. This can help you understand their daily routines and preferences. For example, if your recipient is a schoolteacher, you may want to avoid sending an email in the early morning on weekdays, when they are getting ready for class.
  • Test different times: Experiment with sending emails at different times of the day and week, and track the open and click-through rates. This can help you identify the times that work best for your specific audience.
  • Avoid sending emails during off-hours: Avoid sending emails during off-hours, such as late at night or on weekends, as people are less likely to check their email during these times.
  • Avoid sending emails during holidays: Avoid sending emails during major holidays or other events, as people may be less likely to check their email during these times.

Consider time zones: If you have multiple recipients that are spread across different time zones, consider scheduling your emails to arrive at a time that is convenient for each time zone. If you need to send one mass email to recipients across multiple time zones, 2 PM EST is usually considered a convenient time across multiple countries, as it’s not too early or late for the majority.

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